Ben 10 reboot season 4 omnitrix
Ben 10 reboot season 4 omnitrix

ben 10 reboot season 4 omnitrix

Kevin was wearing his usual outfit during his transformation into Rush and Bashmouth instead of his 90s clothes.The message "Kevin was here Ben is a loser" the latter wrote on the sign is a reference to the sixth episode of the anime, where Ash's rival Gary wrote a similar message on the Cerulean City sign.The scene where Kevin rotates his hat before transforming into Rush is similar motion to when Ash prepares to throw the desired Poké Ball.This is a common anime trope and is very much inspired by that of Ash Ketchum. Ben has an inner voice monologue in the scene when he's playing a Sumo Slammers card game.Amongst the 90s references, there are plenty of references to the Pokémon anime:.The text reading "Come on and slam!" on the box containing Sumo Slammers cards references the lyrics from the song Space Jam.

ben 10 reboot season 4 omnitrix

  • The toy birds Ben brings to life with Shock Rock resembles that of the Furby plush dolls.
  • The Gotchigotchi toy Max has is a parody on the Tamagotchi digital pet.
  • Furthering the idea of Lucky Girl being based on the Sailor Moon franchise in this continuity, a poster of Lucky Girl in the swap is done in the art style of the original Sailor Moon anime series.
  • Multiple lines in the episode are a reference Smash Mouth's popular song, All Star.
  • This episode contains several references to popular culture in the 1990s:.
  • Skunkmoth (first appearance doppelganger of Stinkfly).
  • ben 10 reboot season 4 omnitrix

    Rush (first appearance doppelganger of XLR8).It's revealed that the Antitrix contains 11 aliens, consisting of duplicates of Ben's first 10 aliens and Bashmouth, hence explaining Kevin's alias "Kevin 11".Kevin finally joins the Forever Knight's cause.At a local swap meet, Ben instead sets his sights on a Sumo Slammers collectible, but when Kevin takes it for himself, our hero must get it back by overcoming Kevin’s secret weapon: an 11th alien!

    Ben 10 reboot season 4 omnitrix